Display advertising

Display Advertising : Difference Between Display Ads and Banner Ads

Display Advertising

Display Advertising is a form of internet advertising that involves the use of graphic images, web banners, texts, animations, videos, and any other meaningful content that aims to promote a particular product or service. These banner ads on third-party sites, social networks, or applications invite users to visit the site and take specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product. There is also an ability to change the type or location of display ads or messages during its running campaign to increase the chances of successful conversion.

What are the Differences Between Display Ads and Banner Ads?

Display Advertising refers to a form of advertisement that runs on the Internet and consists of banner advertising, video advertising, and pop-up advertising, among others. Display ads include banner ads, which display rectangular images at the header, footer, or side marquees of a webpage. It is important to know that while all banner ads are display ads, not all display ads are banner ads. Advertisers commonly use traditional banner ads, but they also use a broad category of display ads that includes video, rich media, and social networking ads. These ads provide greater engagement and interactive value to audiences.

How to Measure Display Ad Performance?

Measuring the performance of display advertising involves tracking several key metrics:
Impressions: An advertisement displays to users a total number of times.
Click-Through Rate (CTR): It represents the number of people who click the ad divided by the number of users who come across it.
Conversion Rate: The effectiveness of the advertisement is measured here by the proportion of the users that follow the intended action after using the clickable links.
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The amount of money that is earned from the revenue sale for every dollar that is invested in the ad campaign.
Viewability: A measure of the effectiveness of advertising that depicts the extent to which users actually notice the adverts. Such metrics are beneficial for advertisers who plan, create, and place ads since the metrics assist them in determining the success of the ads and making changes if needed.

Types of Display Ads

Types of Display Advertising

Remarketing ads
Remarketing ads refer to those with the ability to target users who have already visited your website but have not taken the intended action. These types of display advertising repeatedly prompt users to consider or remind them about your products or services. Remarketing is effective because it targets users who have already shown interest in your offerings.

Personalized Ads
Personal ads directly target users based on their internet behaviors, interests, age, and gender. This happens because we serve relevant ads to the right audience, making people more inclined to click on them.

Contextually Targeted Ads
Contextually Targeted Ads display on web pages related to the advertisement’s content. For example, an advert for sports equipment may appear on a fitness website. This targeting method ensures that the right people interested in the advertised product or service are reached.

Site-Placed Ads
Advertisers place this type of advertisement on websites they choose themselves. This allows advertisers to select sites where they want their advertisements placed, ensuring the ads are viewed by the right people.

Display Ads Versus Native Ads

While display advertising and native ads are types of online ads, they are employed in the promotion process with distinct aims. The two main formats of display ads are banners, visually impressive graphics, and rich media or videos. This happens because they aim to capture the audience’s attention quickly. On the other hand, native adverts seamlessly integrate into the layout of the website where they appear. They do not interrupt and are considered more credible because their design allows them to blend with the surrounding content.

Pros and Cons of Display Ads

Display ads are versatile and can be easily placed on multiple sites and pages.
Visual Appeal: Interactive features such as images, videos and animations can attract the attention of users.
Targeting Options: Display ad allows advertisers to reach out to their audience based on
demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Brand Awareness: Impactful for the enhancement of brand awareness and recognition.

Ad Blockers: Some of the audiences utilize ad-blocker software, which minimizes display
advertisement reach.
Banner Blindness: Banner ads, for instance, may receive great attention but low engagement since users tend to ignore them.
High Costs: Some display ad formats can be rather costly when handled incorrectly.

Managing Display Advertising

To start with display advertising, there is a need to plan the Marketing campaign objectives. If the goal is brand awareness, then reach and impressions are the key metrics to focus on. For lead generation, the primary goals are CTR and conversion. If the goal is to sell something, focus on conversion rates and return on ad spend

Creative Development
Design attention-grabbing visuals and persuasive headlines that reflect your brand and your chosen CTA.

Ad Placement and Targeting
Choose websites such as Google Display Network and social networks and use demographic, interest, and behavior targeting to place the ads more effectively. Launching the Campaign Set up ad managers, configure targeting and budget, and transfer creatives and campaign preview before going live to ensure a proper launch.

Monitoring and Optimization
Monitor elements such as the number of views, CTR, and conversion rates, analyze data to make changes, and carry out comparison tests to enhance results.

Reporting and Analysis
Create comprehensive statements and analyze them through the parameters of certain key performance indicators for the adjustment of the subsequent tactics.


Display advertising, particularly banners, effectively spreads brand awareness to the maximum populace. By understanding the various types of display ads, evaluating their effectiveness, and optimizing your campaigns, you can achieve excellent results for your advertising.

For updates in the Display Advertising, read Hasons Blogs. Some of them are as follows:
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Display Advertising

  • What are examples of display ads?
    Some of the display advertisements include banners, videos, interstitials, rich media, natives, social media,search engines, and affiliate marketing banners.
  • What are display ads good for?
    Display ads are mostly effective in brand recognition, publicity, circulation, and conversion through the visual impact of advertisement.
  • How does display advertising work?
    Web display advertising involves placing adverts on another web page, social site, or application that the target audience frequents. It prompts the user to perform an action, such as buying a product or signing up for a list.
  • Why is display advertising important?
    Web-based advertisements are crucial as they aid in brand awareness, extend coverage, and result in conversion. It has different types of targeting possibilities and enables the use of attractive materials to attract users attention.
  • What are some common display advertising formats?
    Some of the display advertising structures include banners, videos, interstitials, rich media, actual, social, sponsored, and affiliate marketing banners.