marketing management

Marketing Management – Top 9 Types of Marketing Management

What is marketing management?

Marketing management involves developing and implementing strategic marketing programs, processes, and activities aligned with broader business objectives. It utilizes customer insights, metrics tracking, and internal optimization to achieve success. Marketing management is about planning and handling marketing tasks to reach goals. It involves understanding the market, picking the right audience, building products, and deciding on prices. Also, it’s about media and promotion, getting products where they need to be, and keeping track of how well things are going.


International marketing management

International marketing management is a complex subject that involves marketing, products, services, or companies across national boundaries, with proficiency in a foreign country’s culture and demographics. Let me provide you with some facts, for instance, have you heard that over 95% of global buyers are from other countries?

This shows the huge change in international marketing for companies looking to grow. These days, the world is more connected than ever. This makes marketing your products and services across the globe a big deal. International marketing is about planning and doing marketing in many countries. It’s not just about selling stuff everywhere. It also means knowing each place well, like how people there think and what they like. This makes it possible to sell your brand globally and adapt to different markets.

objective of marketing management

Objectives of Marketing Management 

  1. Increase brand-brand awareness
    In strategic marketing management, one of the major objectives is to increase brand awareness. With proper strategic marketing communication, firms can ensure that their brands get into the market and become popular. 
  2. Enhance Profitability
    Marketing management is more centered on the use of methods for sale, increased earnings, and improved profit prospects. This entails defining the most attractive segments for which to target, the right mix of prices, and the best value propositions to offer to the intended segment.

  3. Expand market reach
    Another important goal is to find new opportunities and increase the company’s market share. Marketing management thus entails conducting a search for new marketing areas and studying customer needs in different areas for the application of marketing strategies.

  4. Optimise customer engagement
    Marketing management is all about establishing and sustaining good customer relations. This involves the formulation of plans to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

 What are the 9 types of marketing management?

  1. Marketing Strategy: Plans for reaching and converting prospects.
  2. Business Development: Initiatives like mergers, acquisitions, and market expansions.
  3. Brand Management: Techniques to enhance brand value over time.
  4. Product Development: Bringing new products to market.
  5. International Marketing: Managing global distribution channels.
  6. Media Relations: Engaging with media to promote the organization.
  7. Customer Marketing: Enhancing customer experience and loyalty.
  8. Marketing Operations: Managing technology and processes.
  9. Sales: Generating leads and closing deals.

What are the processes of marketing management?

The way marketers manage their work is quite complex. It consists of many steps. Each one is crucial for making sure marketing plans work well. The steps are planning, putting plans into action, and checking how well they did.

The first step is making a good plan. This means doing a lot of research and setting goals clearly. Plans must be smart and detailed. This phase prepares everything for the next steps.

Next, it’s time to start doing what the plan says. This part is about getting products or services ready, deciding on prices, and how to get them to customers. Doing this part right is key to reaching the goals.

After the plan is in action, it is checked and judged. This is to see if things are going as they should. We figure out what works and what doesn’t. Then, we make changes to do better. Doing this regularly helps stay ahead of rivals and adjust to market changes.

Processes include:

  •       Market and customer analysis
  •       Strategy, goals, and objectives development
  •       Product development
  •       Marketing program implementation
  •       Monitoring and control of marketing activities

How is a marketing management strategy created?

A strategy begins with a brand audit to assess current market position, strengths, weaknesses, and strategic issues. It sets goals and plans tactics to achieve them, leveraging market data and insights. How is a Digital marketing strategy implemented? A strategic approach starts with the brand audit in order to get a competitive position, advantages, disadvantages, and important strategic issues. It controls goals and forecast strategies to reach them, with the help of the information of the market.

How is a marketing strategy implemented?

A strategic approach starts with the brand audit in order to get a competitive position, advantages, disadvantages, and important strategic issues. It controls goals and forecast strategies to reach them, with the help of the information of the market. This brings us to another question on how a marketing strategy is adopted or put into practice in organizations.

Philosophies of marketing management

  • Production Concept: Focuses on high production efficiency and wide distribution to keep prices low and accessible.
  • Product Concept: Prioritizes product quality and features, assuming customers will choose products with the best performance.
  • Selling Concept: Emphasizes aggressive sales techniques to push products, often regardless of actual customer needs.
  • Marketing Concept: Centers on identifying and meeting customer needs and wants profitably, with all departments working together.
  • Societal Concept: Considers the broader impact of marketing activities on society, promoting sustainable and ethical practices.

Marketing Management

Features of marketing management

The following features define marketing management: it is strategic and systematic, involves long-term planning, and includes detailed operational and performance evaluation. They were off target markets, development of marketing offers, and customer dialogs in the marketplace. By following this process, all the steps have been well thought out to fulfill the marketing goals of that organization.

Another fundamental aspect that is associated with marketing management is market segmentation and targeting. This way of market division not only provides a more focused and beneficial direction for the marketing techniques and tools used but also helps to minimize the risks associated with potential competition. This formulates neutral business value propositions that are targeted at the identified segment which the product competes with.

Moreover, since these are resources that have already been procured, the management of these resources entails optimizing its use through cost control. Where an organization should invest and where it should not, who should be hired and fired, and many other decisions on allocations of capital, manpower, and time are vital in influencing successful marketing strategies, including decisions to perform work internally or to outsource it. These characteristics make it possible for a company to maximize its marketing activities while at the same time ensuring that the efforts that it puts into its marketing lead to maximum returns on investment.


International marketing management is incredibly important today. It helps companies grow beyond their borders and take advantage of global opportunities. By learning about and adapting to different cultures, economies, and rules, businesses can sell to people worldwide.

This kind of marketing offers many benefits. It opens the door to new customers, increases how much money a company makes, and brings savings. It can also make a brand better known, more competitive, and more aware of what consumers want globally. But, it comes with big challenges such as handling laws, politics, culture clashes, and supply chains.

Looking ahead, certain trends are changing how international marketing works. The growth of online tech and e-commerce means new ways to connect with foreign customers. Plus, there’s a stronger focus on being green and socially responsible. People want products and services that are better for the planet and society. As our world gets more intertwined, adapting quickly and innovatively in marketing will be key to success.

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Marketing Management

  • What are the key responsibilities of a marketing manager?
    Marketing managers set goals, analyze customer segments, coordinate campaigns, manage budgets, and evaluate campaign effectiveness.
  • How can marketing management adapt to changing market conditions?
    By staying agile, using real-time data, and adjusting strategies swiftly to capitalize on emerging trends and mitigate risks.
  • How can marketing management contribute to customer relationship management (CRM)?
    Marketing management enhances CRM by improving customer interactions, personalizing experiences, and increasing customer loyalty through targeted campaigns.
  • How can marketing management foster innovation within an organization?
    By encouraging creativity, testing new ideas, and integrating customer feedback into product development and marketing strategies.